Train Your Body!

We, as humans, possess our body, mind, and soul. Each of these aspects can be trained and needs training for a fulfilling life. You may have a perfect body, but lacking intelligence, communication skills, and morals can make you a shallow personality. People around you will sense that there is nothing interesting about you except for your marvelous body. This may sound harsh, but it reflects human behavior.

Out of the trinity, the first and easiest thing to train is your body; that's why you should focus on it initially. Once you've achieved a physique you like, you can start training your mind if you haven’t started simultaneously. But why is your body the most important realm to train first?

1. You Are What You Eat.

If you are highly obese, your diet consists of low-quality products with high sugar and bad fats like frozen pizza, soft drinks, and fast food. Your body constantly fights the negative aspects of this diet. Due to high sugar consumption, you feel tired and experience mood swings throughout the day. You can't have a healthy mind if you feel drained of energy and tired all the time. The first thing you need to change is your diet. Get rid of food with no benefits for your body; these are products, not real food. When the ingredient list is longer than one line and contains words you can't even pronounce, it's a product. Advertising made us believe that products like cornflakes are healthy for our kids and that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is nonsense. Cornflakes consist of nothing but cheap wheat, sugar, and artificial flavors. No nutrition is in that, only bad calories and a poison that heavily impacts your mood and mental health throughout the day. The poison is sugar, a cheap, addicting substance present in almost all products to trick your body into thinking it's good for you and keeps you addicted.

Sugar is more addicting than cocaine.

Introduction: In a surprising twist in addiction research, a 2013 experiment at the University of Connecticut revealed that rats consistently chose sugar over cocaine when given the choice. This unexpected preference prompted a deeper exploration of the impact of sugar on the brain's reward system.

The Experiment: Rats were presented with two levers—one for an intravenous dose of cocaine and another for a sweet reward of sugar. Despite being addicted to cocaine, the majority of the rats consistently opted for the sugar lever, challenging conventional notions about addictive substances.

Power of Sugar: The study not only offers insights into rodent behavior but also raises questions about the addictive qualities of commonly consumed substances, particularly sugar. The broader implications extend to our societal relationship with this ubiquitous ingredient, urging us to reconsider its impact on human health.

Conclusion: The revelation of rats preferring sugar over cocaine adds a fascinating layer to our understanding of addiction. As we navigate discussions on substance abuse, this study encourages a broader perspective, challenging us to reevaluate our relationship with the seemingly innocuous yet potentially addictive substance—sugar.


Now you understand why sugar is bad for you. Try to limit it as best as you can.

Actionable Step: Buy healthy alternatives.

Instead of buying sweetened yogurt, purchase normal yogurt and sweeten it with honey or fruits of your choice.

2. Your Mental Health is Better When You Have a Healthy Body.

When you are in good shape, you are more likely to be confident. Improving your shape might help boost confidence because humans tend to respect individuals more who are in good physical condition.

3. Life is Easier When You Have a Functional Body.

What would life feel like if you weighed 300 pounds? Could you walk properly or even run? I don’t think so. Normal tasks would feel unnecessarily hard, and your mood would be terrible. So, get in shape. The body achieves what the mind believes.

Strength and Honor.


Are you ready for change?


Nobody cares about you!