Are you ready for change?

What are the goals and ambitions in your life? What is it you want to achieve? Is it an aesthetic physique, a loving relationship, money, status? It doesn´t matter the road to success is more or less the same for any goal but to be able to walk this road you yourself have to change.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. To change your life, you have to change your mind set your attitude because true lasting change can only happen from within. Are you unhappy or unfulfilled with your life circumstances? Then you need to put in the work to make change happen. Why do most drug withdrawal therapies don´t work? Because in the majority of cases it goes against the deep want of the person, like when imprisoned and forced to attend therapy. A therapist for example is not someone who does the work but is only assisting the client on his self-chosen path to change his behaviour. When you want to live a different live you have to be open to change if you resist change you stay stagnant. The first step and the basis for your growth lies in your head. Basically, there are three steps to doing anything. You have to believe it is possible, learn how do the thing you want to do and then execute the steps you learned.

To learn and to change your behaviour and later your life you need to have the right soil for the seeds of success to grow. The soil of your mind is impacted by the mindset and attitude you bring towards any endeavour in life. You need a want to learn, a deep want to change your point of view to expand your horizon and to break your old believes. When you resist the process of change in your mind you become hostile towards differing opinions and you fortify your mind against change. It becomes totally impossible to influence a stubborn mind. I myself have made the experience in my school life. For four years I had French lessons and I have learned virtually nothing. Why? because I haven´t put in the work required to be good because I was resistive towards the French language. I hated it I dreaded the lessons, the teacher and I had to much pride to “surrender” myself to these circumstances and learn this language. I forced my way through these four years with bad grades stress at home you name it and lots of time lost because I haven´t used it productive towards learning something new. I will only learn French if I want to if I don´t resist it!

There are two mindsets which hinder your change towards a better life.

The first is fear of change and of the uncertainties it brings. Fear is a crippling feeling which puts our mind in fight or flight mode we become resistive too anything which could negatively impact our odds of survival. Sadly, from a primal perspective change is negatively impacting the odds of survival because it is always bound to serious labour or difficulties. But again, nothing changes if nothing changes and you have made zero progress towards a more fulfilling life when you give in to your fear and don´t change yourself.

Courage isn´t the absence of fear but doing the thing despite having fear.

When you have a feeling of fear when thinking about following a new path in life and discovering the new and unknown you have two options to follow. The basis is once again that you want change to happen. You can either force yourself to happiness by being disciplined and facing the hardship head on or you can implement small steps to get used to change in your life. Facing the difficulties head on is extremely hard and requires a lot of discipline to overcome your fear and to sustain your effort over a longer period because cracking your old believes takes a lot of work. I would recommend you implement small but big enough changes into your life. What I mean by that is that the habit should be as easy as possible to execute to make change comfortable but also big enough of a change to your normal routine that you get used to real change. I myself have started my journey of deliberate change by starting to read, something I hated my entire youth. I despised reading so much that I haven´t read the mandatory books for school.

But I played the Witcher 3 and I was captured by the world and so began reading the novels as my first real book in years. This change went totally against my character at that time being a gamer playing League of Legends or Counter Strike all day and talking to friends in Discord as well as hating to read but at the same time it was easy to implement because I was genuinely interested in the story. Since then reading became a staple habit and a basis from which on I expanded into other good habits like fitness, meditation and spirituality.

“The only thing I know is that I know nothing.” You won´t change, if you believe you don´t have to. Maybe your ego tells you change is not necessary and the work you have to put in just isn´t worth it, if so you will not make the effort to grind and change your life. But is your ego serving you here or is this mindset just holding you back? Your ego is basically a part of your mindset. You can train humility and cultivate a state of openness to reduce your ego. The ego is part of your subconscious it seeks only the pleasures the feel goods in your life status, comfort you name it. The ego is holding you back in this regard and convinces you you have already achieved all that you want and now it is time to relax. But is this the truth? Are you happy with all and I mean all aspects of your life? If not, there is room for improvement and change. When you believe you know everything or you are great already you become resistive towards differing world views too. You need a humble attitude towards the world and a deep want to come closer to an objective truth. “The truth will set us free”

You want change in your life? Embrace the uncertainties and the work you have to put in for change is the only way to happiness.

Remember, life rewards the prepared


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