The Strength in Struggle

Time to read: 3 min

Last week, I felt lost. I was tired and overwhelmed by the things I had to do for my university. It’s nothing compared to school and everyone who’s at a university can relate. It was a new environment and my mind wasn’t used to it. So, I started to question whether this would be the right thing for me or not. Your inner bitch starts to whisper in your ears in that moments because you’re leaving your comfort zone behind. Whenever you do that and try something new, our subconscious mind is against it at first. We get scared, doubt ourselves and become unsure. There are two outcomes of this process. You can withdraw from your plans and crawl back to your warm bed, or you can embrace the discomfort and fight against the pushback of the new obstacle and the pulling force of your comfort zone.

I chose the second option and after implementing the new tasks in my life, I got used to the new obstacles. The tasks that seemed so hard at firsthand, became easier.

It won’t get easier.

The funny thing is that although I have implemented the tasks in my schedule and became used to the work, there will always be more. It’s a constant process of fighting the new masses of tasks everyday. That is the process of life. In my opinion we struggle in our lives to achieve periods of easier times for ourselves. After the easy times passed, the hard times rise again and so on.

Get used to it, or lose.

“In the game of thrones you win or you die, there is no in between.” ~ Cersei Lannister

This quote describes the famous TV series based on George R.R. Martin book series in one sentence. If you want to play the game of life, you will need to endure periods of pain. It sounds so nihilistic and depressing but if you think about it, you recognise its trueness in a way.

The only human who never endured pain, was a human who was never born.

I made that sentence up in my mind right know. Despite coming from me, the sentence has it’s meaning. When you see yourselves struggling in life, think about the good times to come and the hard obstacles you have mastered so far and will continue to do so in the future.

Without pain, you won’t appreciate the beauty of life. Without struggle, you won’t appreciate easy times and so on.


Facit Omnia Voluntas - The Will Decides


Beware of the victim mentality