Facit Omnia Voluntas - The Will Decides

Time to read: 3 min

On Sunday, I successfully competed in the Sydney Marathon. Before the race started, it seemed like a foolish decision. I hadn’t run in three months, and I was in poor physical condition due to a lack of training. Because I had decided only a few days prior to the race that I wanted to compete, I lacked proper preparation. I bought a pair of running shoes on Saturday, the day before the race. The odds were not in my favor, and everything seemed likely to end in disaster.

But to succeed, two factors are necessary. First, your physical ability to do something, like running a marathon or squatting a certain weight. Second, and maybe more important, is willpower and mindset. Nowadays, everybody talks about mindset—and for good reason—because it is so crucial. By finishing the race, I proved that I possess the physical ability to run a marathon. All that remained was the will to keep running.

I entered the race knowing that my lack of preparation would make it extremely difficult. But I never doubted that I would finish. The difficulties began around the 20 km mark. I knew that from kilometers 20 to 30, the race would be the hardest. It felt like time slowed down, and my progress became painfully slow. Around kilometer 28, my legs started cramping up, making it even more physically demanding and painful. Only my will to keep running kept me in the race.

That is what it takes to succeed—the will to never give up. Your will keeps you in the game, and if it is weak, you will give in to hardship. *Facit Omnia Voluntas*—the will is decisive. Train your mindset to endure hardship. You don’t have to embrace suffering and pain (I certainly didn’t enjoy the pain), but I didn’t quit.

For more willpower, implement habits into your daily routine that require discipline. These could include going to the gym, running longer distances, taking ice baths or cold showers, or studying/working. Doing hard things makes it easier to do more hard things.

Remember, life rewards the prepared.


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