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Time to read: 4-5 min

Life can’t always be sunny. Linus is currently in Australia and will enjoy the sun for the next months. For me, there will be rain, cold weather, frost and hopefully, some snow. I associate the four seasons with different moods. I know that autumn is coming before the winter but I want to talk about winter. I associate winter with darkness, harsh weather and a generally unfriendly environment. If we hadn't had our houses, we would have to spent our nights outside in these conditions. Our ancestors used to do it and a bit of their genes are still in our DNA. Even animals have it the hardest in the winter. Some people would argue that winter is a lovely season. Romantic, snowy, Christmas, New Years eve etc. I don’t disagree with them, I more or less think that the general mood of winter is ruthless. People from the gym community and especially guys know the term “Winter Arc”. A period of non stop working on yourself, trying to better yourself everyday, so that you are a new person next year. I like this idea very much because it’s so hard to do these things when you don’t feel like it. It’s hard to study for hours, it’s hard to train nearly everyday, it’s hard to go to work 5 times per week. All these things become so much harder to accomplish when it’s cold outside. I will try that out for myself and write about my experiences when I’ve done it. Winter, both in nature and in life, is inevitable. But instead of dreading it, we can use it as a time to forge our strength, so when spring comes, we emerge stronger, better, and ready for new beginnings.

In my last blog, I’ve talked about the idea of working hard for your goals. This is compatible with this blog. The future is uncertain for us all. Those who are doing something for their future, might reach a point someday where everything suddenly snaps. People will call it luck, it might be luck but what about the countless hours spent to achieve that moment of luck?

No matter where you are in your life, how you feel, whatever the circumstances might be, never, never give up.

My own experience

Trust me when I say that the pain of regret hurts more than the pain of discipline. Moments in my life where I was in my comfort zone and stayed in there, because the price of discipline was too high for me. Now, I wished I had chosen discomfort to reach a certain goal. To the younger audience reading this. If you’re under 18, use your time, be a teenager with all its tops and flaws, but never stuck to the comfort zone. The amount of advantage you gain by doing that is nearly immeasurable. No matter how hard things were in my life, it got worse, when I whined about it.

A little challenge

Do you have 3 things in your life that are not the way you want them? If so, try to change them in the last months this year has to offer. You can do your own “Winter Arc”, whilst using the method from my last blog, or just do the things you wouldn’t have done before, or just look at the last sentence.

"Without doing things you've never done, you'll never reach the rewards you've never had.”

Now, I can use this quote like a fellow Stark. “Winter is coming”


Beware of the victim mentality


Learn to plan ahead