Learn to plan ahead

Time to read: 3-5 min

I’m a naturally spontaneous guy, my whole life was never about planning something ahead. School was not that hard, so why planning? Besides school other goals were also rather spontaneous than planned. Try to get a six pack? Just work out with videos on YouTube. It worked well in the beginning because I was eager to achieve my goals. The problem was that once I’ve achieved a certain goal, I more or less stopped doing the things that were necessary to get me there in the first place.

Why is that a problem? We achieved our goal, or not?

Yes, we have achieved our goal but what about using your former goal as your new standard?

In school, I rarely had to study that hard to achieve grades that were good but not perfect. Now that I’m in University, I recognized that I need to structure my day. If I don’t, I get crushed. Simple as that. There are to many lectures each week and I can’t ignore the work that I need to do in order to achieve my goals. So doing my homework everyday and more needs to become my standard.

Why am I telling you this?

Think about one goal of your own. How long does it take for you to reach it? Now visualize yourself in the exact moment in which you reach it. How do you feel? A majority of people are incapable to achieve their goals because they don’t plan their goals enough. Just thinking about it isn’t enough.

You need to sacrifice some time to make a plan. Once you’ve done that, stick to it and improve it when needed. By doing that your increasing your chances. It takes some time but its worth it.

How long should I plan?

It depends on your goal. If your goal is to get good grades, you need to focus on every day. If your goal is 5 years or more in the future, you could plan in months or years. As long as you find a good measurement for your goals, you’re good to go.

A tip of mine would be to track your progress. Best scenario would be everyday. Do that and you achieve a closer connection to your goal, to your journey.

A nice saying that I’ve mentioned in another blog some time ago but its fitting. “You need to sacrifice things for your goals or your goals become the sacrifices.”

Its not always sunny, try to see the bigger picture in the clouded sky.

Thank you Marius, this blog wouldn’t have happened without you.


Lock in.


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