Unlock New Worlds/the Power of Language

Time to read: 1,5 min

I am currently in Australia. Even though I am 24 hours of flight away from my home in Germany, I have little difficulty communicating with locals and foreigners alike. In the four weeks since I landed in Australia, I have met many people—both locals, young and old, as well as foreigners from all around the world. Each of them has a story to tell and wisdom to share, but only if you are able to communicate.

During my time in school, I loathed learning languages. I actively resisted learning and didn’t take the necessary steps to acquire the knowledge I needed. I didn’t see the point.

Now that I am in a country with a different language, I can see the benefits it brings. Languages are keys to knowledge—the knowledge people hold, as well as the knowledge found in books or videos. My self-improvement began on the internet with videos in English. I had access to them because of my understanding of the language. Since then, I’ve watched movies, read books, spoken to people, and written these blogs in a foreign language. My personal development might have been different from where I am now.

Communication is key, and languages are the tools for it. You will always benefit from a deep knowledge of languages, which is why I would advise anyone to invest in learning and improving their language skills.


Facit Omnia Voluntas - The Will Decides