Invest in your life

Time to read: 5 min

When we talk about investing, one topic immediately strikes to our mind. Finance gurus who are trying to sell you their courses online or coked up Brokers from the Wall Street. Investing has many faces though. The one thing you can invest is your money but what about your time, your passion, your energy? You can and need to invest these things in your life sooner or later. For this blog, I’m focusing on these 4 categories in which you can invest. You will slowly recognize that money itself isn’t a real category. It’s more of a tool to achieve freedom. Nevertheless, I still named the category “money”.

Invest your money.

Seriously, it’s not enough to let your hard earned money sit still on a bank and basically rot. Money needs to work, all the time. Your money can’t do that when it sits still and lets inflation gnarling on it. How do I get my money to work for me? First of all, I’m no pro in terms of investing. I’m an absolute beginner and you should learn to invest your money yourself. Now that this is clear, we can start. After you have informed yourself about investing, you can start with using your money more efficient than ever. You could by stocks, ETFs etc. As long as you know what you are doing and are 100% sure that you know about whatever you want to invest in is the right thing for you, do it. It’s a nice feeling to look at your broker and see the money working and see numbers rising and sometimes falling. Your money is working for you now. Good financial books are rare, due to several frauds on the market. If you visit the same school as I did, you can join the Finanz AG. I learned a lot from Mr Bunkus there because he knows what he’s talking about regarding financial education. This is just an example. Use the possibilities you have in your life. Buy the book that is valuable, buy the seminar that actually improves your life and then act.

Invest your time

The next topic is one of the most important ones. We all have it, some more than others, some have less. Time is extremely valuable because you only have a certain amounts of seconds to breathe on this planet. What you do with it suddenly becomes important. You can watch Netflix in your bed all day, or you can start earning the day by reading, exercising and going out. The sun sets every night and rises every morning. It doesn’t give a shit about your problems. The last weeks I spent my mornings with playing video games, which was fun but I recognized that I couldn’t do this forever or I would fall behind. This morning I slept till 10 am which is extremely late for me. Nevertheless I read 30 pages in one of the many books I’m currently reading, sprinted 15 minutes in my pool and started to write this blog for you. The point is that you should be selfish with your time. I hated school sometimes because they wasted so much of it with talking instead of doing something. Which brings us to our next point.

Invest in your passion

I believe we are here on this earth for a reason. Everybody needs to find out their purpose sooner or later. We all have interests in large varieties of things. You know best what you like and what not. For me, I love training and spending my time with people who have the same ambitions like me. This is just a small passion of mine which I find worth investing it. Whatever it is for you, invest in the things in life that are bringing you joy, fulfillment and deep gratitude.

Invest your energy

We all are fighting against time. Our energy levels are decreasing slowly but steady. You can either enhance the decrease or fight against it. Its fun to go drinking with the boys, make some memories etc. What isn’t as pleasurable is the lack of energy you feel the next day because you slept till 11 am. Such things as going out are nice but need to be done carefully. I think that balance is key. As long as everything is balanced, you don’t have to worry.However, you will have periods in your life where everything is anything but balanced. Sometimes you need lots of energy to invest in your education, relationships, whatever it might be, the hard times will consume your energy and the good times will reload your energy bar.

I hope you are well and learned something from this blog.


School is just the beginning; your real life starts afterwards.


Embracing Change and Stay Open-Minded