Get yourself blueprints

Have you ever built Lego?

If so you would know that even the difficult sets are actually easy because of the instruction.

I myself have a Lego Star Wars Star Destroyer something I wouldn´t have been able to build without the blueprint.

You will certainly experience situations in life which throw you out of your rhythm. Events which arouse unusual emotions in you like a breakup, the death of someone you know or maybe getting rejected. But it could also be an illness or feeling depressed. Everything which hinders you in your normal schedule. These are not unusual events which will certainly appear multiple times in your life. To bounce back to the grind from one of these things is difficult. You may lose your sharpness letting indiscipline take over.

To make the bounce back easier get yourself blueprints on how to rehabilitate quickly. It may be hard for to motivate yourself to train after a pause because your body, especially your mind, loves being lazy. Explore what gets you motivated to pick up training again and make it a plan to follow the next time. If you are motivated by training with a friend then use this blueprint. The blueprint then can be applied each time you are undisciplined.

Different blueprints can be used for different situations like when feeling bored, lonely, sad or lethargic. Knowing how to deal with these feelings can reduce uncertainty and going in circles. You will not waste time and avoid getting used to laziness. They are the first aid kit for obstacles. For me when I feel bad I exercise or go into nature because it makes me feel good afterwards. With this knowledge I am able to act fast when negative feelings arise.

It is valuable to know how to overcome certain obstacles. Challenges which present themselves will be easily conquered because you know the solution already.

The best way to realise this is by keeping track of challenges and the solution you have come up with. You can do this either digital or analogue it doesn´t matter. In the near future you will have quite a resume of blueprints for different situations making you well prepared.

Remember, life rewards the prepared.


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