Embrace Nature

Why does life feel so grey nowadays? Wasn’t everything brighter and more joyful when I was a kid?

Close your eyes and think of the greatest moments you had in your childhood. What do you see? For me, most of these memories are set outdoors in nature, where I played with my friends or spent time with my father and my little brother.

It all seemed so effortless, as if there were no gravity. I see my younger self laughing and running through the forests in awe of the beautiful colors around me. Nowadays, this joy is missing. Many people wander around this planet without recognizing its beauty. They stare at their smartphones while waiting for the bus, instead of appreciating the landscape around them. An extreme example is playing video games or watching meaningless series on platforms in a dark room, while the sun shines outside. Simply sitting in a chair and feeling the sunshine on your face could refresh your body with its warm, cleansing touch. Wouldn’t this benefit your mental and physical health more than hiding in a dark room all by yourself while the world goes on outside without you?

You’re suppressing your inner child

When was the last time you purposely jumped into a puddle? I’m not telling you to jump into a puddle, but this example helps to illustrate that the things you loved as a child are suppressed. It could be the joy you felt when climbing trees or playing with your friends. Generally, you're probably avoiding the things you liked as a child because you've grown up, and that's okay. The emphasis here is on the connection between us humans and nature. Due to technology, we've forgotten that we are also part of nature. We humans are different from other species, yet we have one thing in common: We are mortal.

When you avoid going outside because scrolling through social media seems better, your brain is trying to weigh which option is better for you. Due to the addiction to social media, you decide to stay inside instead of letting the sun shine on your face. This might sound esoteric, but why is it that most people regularly on social media, obsessed with other people’s lives, are unhappy in their own life—the only life they have?

Affects on your mental health

Think of a sunny day. Two guys, Mr. Shadow and Mr. Light are both living in the same town. Mr shadow decides to stay in his house, Mr. Light is enjoying the sunny weather.

Mr. Shadow Mr. Light

imprisoned free

no fresh air fresh air

tired motivated

the only light came from the TV got a vitamin d boost

false dopamine natural source of dopamine

unhappy happy

This may sound cliché, I have to admit, but it captures the point. Nature has a lot to offer, yet we often become so absorbed in the modern world that we forget to look at it.

Yesterday, I had a small discussion with a girl about this topic, which I quite enjoyed. I said to her that I would prefer to look at the sunset rather than watch Netflix at this time. I think she thought I was joking, but I wasn’t at all. Sometimes, I joke with my friends about what the average sun enjoyer/avoider would look like. We always come to the conclusion that the sun enjoyer lives a more fulfilled life. But why is that?

Benefits of sunlight/nature


  1. Vitamin D Production: Sunlight exposure triggers the production of vitamin D in the body, which is crucial for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.

  2. Improved Mood: Sunlight exposure stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can elevate mood and help reduce symptoms of depression.

  3. Better Sleep: Exposure to natural light during the day can help regulate the body's internal clock (circadian rhythm), promoting better sleep at night.

  4. Skin Health: Moderate exposure to sunlight can help in the synthesis of vitamin D and aid in the treatment of certain skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and jaundice.

  5. Boosted Immune System: Sunlight exposure has been linked to an increase in white blood cells, which can enhance the body's immune response.

Walking outside in nature:

  1. Reduced Stress: Being in natural environments can lower stress

  2. Physical health: It's a great form of exercise, improving cardiovascular health, stamina, and muscle strength. Walking also helps in managing weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

  3. Mental well-being: Being in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It promotes relaxation, boosts mood, and enhances mental clarity and focus.

  4. Connection with nature: Walking outside allows you to connect with the natural world, which can lead to feelings of awe, appreciation, and an increased sense of well-being.

  5. Improved creativity: Studies suggest that spending time outdoors in nature can enhance creativity and problem-solving skills

  6. Social interaction: Walking in nature often provides opportunities for social interaction, leading to improved social connections and a sense of community.

Pretty good reasons to go outside, right? As you've read, sometimes the way you're feeling is your own fault because you've created certain moods with bad habits during your day. Now, you have every reason to walk outside each day for at least 10 minutes. I think you can do that. If you were honest with yourself, you probably have time to do something for your mental and physical health when you're online on social media for 2 hours every day. Even when it’s raining, you can still go outside; just prepare yourself with the right clothes and an umbrella (think of the people in Great Britain). It might even be fun, but you won't know if you don’t try it.

Change your mood, change your well-being, change your life, or leave it to others and complain afterwards. The choice is yours.

Strength and honor


Nobody cares about you!


Why do we fall, sir?