Why your mental health is fucked.

Your mental health is the basis of a good life and you know that. If you look at today’s society you can see a horde of unmotivated, lazy, depressed and hopeless people. Chances are that you even find yourself in the ranks of given people.

Problems that have become normal nowadays

  1. Feeling too tired all the time.

  2. Having no motivation to do anything.

  3. Feeling depressed, or facing constant mood swings.

  4. Having no purpose.

  5. Facing huge debts and money problems in general.

  6. Feeling lonely and lost.

Origin of the problems

  1. Sleep deprived?

Most of the people that you see in the morning have the same look on their face. In school, on the train and in the workspace. Most of the people feel and look like shit in the early hours of the days. Sentences like: “I can’t sleep because I’m such a night owl”, or “before I get my coffee, nobody can speak to me!”, are commonly used by a lot of people.

First of all, there might be some night owls, who are staying up late without having problems the next morning, I’m not neglecting that but most people can’t sleep because they are watching meaningless stuff on Netflix for hours, or even extremer playing video games on their computer with their brightness on maximum. The most extreme example I can think of is the guy, who is playing Video games on his first monitor, whilst watching Netflix on the other monitor. After that he is too unmotivated to brush his teeth and is finally laying down in his bed. He doesn’t try to sleep, instead he scrolls through TikTok and “fries” his dopamine receptors for another hour before he shuts down his phone. Then he lays there for 30 minutes because his brain is so hyper stimulated by the fact that he watched so many things over the last hours and is now not even remembering the video he watched 2 minutes before.

He finally fells asleep and is waking up sleep deprived with a headache and zero motivation to go to work. He eats low quality shit products, which aren’t even real food like some overly sweetened high sugar, high carbs cereal, which has a heavily impact on his already shitty mood. The worst thing is, that this will go on forever, if the person is not changing.

If you find that relatable and still wonder why you can’t sleep and feel sleep deprived every day, let me tell you a way to improve your sleep.

First of all, activate a blue light filter on all your electric devices after a certain hour of the day is reached (I activate mine around 6 pm).

Secondly, stay away from electronic devices for one hour before you are going to sleep, so your brain can start to relax from the ton of false dopamine it had to endure during the day. You can read a book until you are too tired to read one more sentence, instead of being on your phone, you will fall asleep faster, while learning something useful.

Another tip is to open all the windows in your bedroom for 5 min before you go to sleep. This helps a lot, because study’s found out that your body is sleeping better when the temperature is around 15-20 degrees Celsius.

The Best Temperature for Sleep: Advice & Tips | Sleep Foundation

2. Feeling unmotivated all the time?

You simply cannot understand how some people have the energy to train every single day, whilst working a 40 hour/week job? Why am I so unmotivated? My trash bin is full, i have to clean the dishes from last night and the clothes need to be put in the drawer. “Fuck, so many stupid tasks”, you think. You say to yourself that you will do it later. “Just one more episode”

You already lost the war before it has even started.


First of all, clean the dishes immediately after your meal. There is no need to procrastinate, your only making it worse because you have to scrub even harder to get all the dirt away. This adapts to all areas in life. If a task is taking you about 2 minutes, do it immediately. It needs some discipline sure, but you want to change your life. Discipline itself is a huge topic, (I will write an article about it in the future). Now that you know that you need to do the small insignificant things immediately because they stack up and catch your lazy ass later.

Another problem are your bad habits. A shitty diet, not enough exercise, sunlight and fresh air, are solid foundations to fuck your motivation. Imagine two identical people, the only difference is that person Nr.1 is eating a milkshake and a burger from McDonald’s every evening before he watches TV for 2 hours. Person Nr. 2 is eating clean, taking a walk everyday and reads 1 hour before he goes to sleep. Which person has a better life in terms of mental health? Which person is developing and who is is falling behind slowly?

The answer to that should be easy. After 5 years of doing these small things, person nr.2 is so ahead of the first person, that the person thinks he’s an alien.

Huge recommendation:

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear

Small tasks, which immediately improve your motivation:

  • Improve your diet

  • Exercise regularly

  • Switch bad habits with good habits ( read, instead of watching TV all night)

3. Depression

This is the definition of depression on the internet:

“Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home.”

This only an example, the reality could be even darker. But the good thing is that you can do something against it.


  • Write your Feelings down on a Peace of paper (all of them the brutal honest truth). It’s not possible to go down any further. You have to own a problem to solve it.

  • Talk to other people maybe professionals.

  • Walk outside in nature and get sunlight in your face.

  • Relive the things you enjoyed as a kid (might be jumping purposely in a puddle).

  • Exercise/ move your body.

  • See it as a chance to grow. (You can’t fall when you’re laying on the floor).

  • Never, never give up on yourself, there is always hope.

4. Having no purpose

There is no greater frustration as living a life in sheer mediocrity. If you hate your job, your environment and everything else in your neighborhood, you have very low abilities to live up to your true purpose. But this would mean that you already know your purpose in life.

For most people, this isn’t the case. They wonder around the world, existing without a purpose. For a man this is a crucial existence. I don’t believe that you want to regret your life on your death bed. You don’t want to say : ”God I could have been great.”

So here’s how to find your purpose.

  • Learn to meditate and do it regularly.

  • Sit or lay down in a dark room without any possible distractions and let your brain start to work . Ask yourself questions like: “What would I like to do if money plays no role?” “What would I do everyday?”

  • Ask people about your strengths.

  • Research on the internet.

Here’s a great video about purpose by Hamza.

5. Money

Money itself isn’t the problem. Sentences like “Money is evil”, are simply false. I think that money shows the true character of a person. Don’t you think a good person, who is helping others on a regular basis wouldn’t donate some of his huge amount of money to charity organizations, or to the local town in which he grew up?

The problem is your behavior with money. You either are a huge consumer, or a huge safer. The one is spending all his money on materialistic things he doesn’t really need, but they help him to fill his inner void. The other person doesn’t spend anything to such an extreme level that they say things like “ If I invest 200 dollars per month, I’ll be a millionaire in 40 years. Yeah sure but you forget inflation. If it’s so passive and easy, why isn’t every 60 year old a millionaire?

I am not against spending and not against investing and saving. The opposite is the case. I would like to live a life, in which I can buy things when I truly feel like they would benefit my life, without having the need to look at the price tag. In addition to that I would like to have good investments, which are giving me a fuck ton of return. One small thing you can do immediately is tracking your financial spending habits. Some of the things you buy on a regularly basis aren’t that useful for you. You also need to be financially educated. The positive thing is that there are several good books on the market.

Here are the books I’ve read about money, that I would recommend.

  1. The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel

  2. Think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill

  3. The Great Rat-Race Escape” by Mj Demarco

6. Feeling lonely

Being a lonely loser is a shitty way to live your life. Everybody that has been through it, knows that. With social media people now have the ability to stay connected to other people all the time and around the whole globe. Nevertheless, an unpleasing amount of young men feel like they are lonely and left behind. They sit around in their house all day, playing video games and complain why they aren’t getting a girlfriend. You attract, what you are. If you are an unpleasant person to be around, why would people be around you? If you have no social skills, why would humans like to feel your presence around them?

This questions seems pretty harsh, but they are the unpleasant truth you have to swallow. Otherwise the situation doesn’t change. “Nothing changes, if nothing changes.”

How to improve your social life:

  • Work on your appearance by working out and taking care of yourself on a regularly basis.

  • Learn something about human communication and especially body language (80% of communication is non-verbal communication).

  • Ask yourself why people would spend time with you (If you have no answer, you need to improve it).

Books I recommend:

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

  2. “How to Read People Like a Book” by James W. Williams

That’s it guys. I hope you found that article helpful!

Strength and Honor


The awareness of breathing


Force yourself to happiness!