Turn off your mind

Reading time 6 minutes.

I apologize for uploading my blog a day later. My last two exams and my birthday made it difficult to dedicate time towards my blog.

Overstimulation is a present-day phenomenon. Our mind gets flooded with loads of information. About 174 newspapers. Media becomes increasingly faster and short-form content is on the rise. We don’t keep our attention on one task for long trying to achieve ever more excitement for our minds. I personally notice this in my day to day life having music play in the background or watching videos while “resting” from my day. No wonder we are plagued by troubles of our mind. It cannot rest while being bombarded with information.

Ever plagued by overthinking? Just Stop thinking. Whenever there is friction or discomfort our mind tries to evade this friction with self-soothing talk. We get tens about a thought something trivial which. Your brain wants to talk you out of it because it fears the uncertain. When there’s something you feel hesitant about just turn your mind off and do it. You have got to rely on your ability to find fast usable solutions. Almost always there’s nothing to fear but we assume wrong things. This applies also to emotional ups and downs. Because emotions can be controlled it is possible to shut your mind off when feeling down to reduce the negative emotion. It lies in your control to engage in these thoughts.

Your mind is a well of infinity ideas. Sometimes you cannot comprehend the depth of your own thoughts. The issue is we tend to intervene actively in the thought process. Let go of control and wee what you are capable of. I personally achieve a flow state while running. I focus only on placing in step in front of the other while turning down thoughts about every other topic. The Body moves on its own. You know how to walk so you don´t pay attention or an active thought to it. But when you do you might negatively adjust your movement. As with running it is with doing creative work. Thoughts have to flow freely to create something and free flowing thought is achieved by releasing control.

Relaxation is important after intense mind activity. I guess you have felt tired or drained after an intense day. Your mind seeks relaxation so do you but you turn on Netflix or YouTube bothering your overwhelmed mind with even more Input. Implement some 5 to 10-minute sessions of doing truly nothing, not even meditation, to relax. Being bored is important to process your impressions over the day.

You are that which you seek. A lot of the pain we feel is unnecessary but we suffer because we have become alienated from our minds and thoughts. In our effort to control the thoughts we create friction. Thoughts need space to appear. It is therefore important to reduce the input our mind receives releasing the pressure. Your mind will be able to create thoughts and you will be attentive to them. You will create solutions to your problems. Everything we seek is already inside of us but we won’t venture into our mind to seek answers. For example, we know we would be better of if we did fitness. Still we don´t pursue it with discipline and instead seek advice on the internet telling us to work out more. But there is no space where your mind is off duty to come up with the thought to motivate you to work out.

Incorporate boredom into your day. Release the constant tension put onto your mind and turn it off for a while.

Remember, life rewards the prepared.


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