It will not get better

Takes about a minute to read because “Brevity is the soul of wit”.

Have you ever procrastinated? The answer is with certainty yes. When we face a task, which requires discipline to do we feel a certain force pulling us away from doing the task at hand. We fight with the inner voice which holds us back. In recent times I use a prompt to make myself do things and reduce procrastination. I tell myself “it won´t get better”.

The nature of hard things is we don´t like doing them right in the moment but we know for certain that we will feel better afterwards. Else there is no point in doing them if there is no benefit. There are some habits which are non-negotiables for me like working out, stretching, meditation and cold showers. I know they have to be done within the 14- hour time window during a day. My mind circles around these hard habits trying to avoid doing them. This leads to procrastination. But it won´t get better by not doing them because I push them till later in the day. I can´t avoid the suffering which naturally comes with these habits I just burden my future self with it. The thought that made my mind switch was, if I did something earlier I was done and it was ticked off from my to do list. I had the rest of the day to enjoy the happiness from doing hard things. This mindset hits the same mark as my post last week. The same as turning your inner dialogue of when facing difficulties manipulating it to your own benefit by telling yourself “it won´t get better” makes you do more good habits. In truth only using discipline and willpower to push through something hard won´t be sustainable for long. You cannot succeed in the gym for example if you are only there by being disciplined. You have to find the intrinsic motivation and reason why you want to work out. But there are more than enough reasons why for example working out or reading have to be staples in any routine. You can search up reasons and benefits on the internet or ask yourself. Will you get healthier exercising? I bet you know the answer to that. But it won´t get better if you don´t act after it.

Remember, that life rewards the prepared.


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